Unveil Everything About Porcelain Veneers – Stafford, VA

Porcelain Veneers are a thin shell-like material placed over the teeth to provide a dental service that could make smile makeover possible. It is made up of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front of your teeth, allowing you to have a stunning smile like that of your favorite celebrity or models. Here at Garrisonville…

Bring out your Best Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Stafford

Everyone deserves a  healthy and beautiful smile. However, some people have teeth irregularities which affect the teeth aesthetics causing them to lose confidence when smiling and talking. However, there’s no need to worry, bring out your best smile and be confident by visiting Garrisonville Dental; we offer cosmetic dentistry services to fix teeth flaws and…

Infant Dental Care in Stafford

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommended that the age for a first dental visit is no later than the first birthday or when the first tooth appears (primary teeth erupts at about six months of age). It might sound unusual and unbelievable, but you must be aware that baby teeth are vulnerable to cavities…

Ways To Help Your Developmentally Disabled Family Member To Dentally Move Forward

This month our nation takes the time to honor a man who desired that every citizen of the United States be honored equally. One of our favorite quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever…

Family Dental Fears

Does everyone in your family have some level of dental fear? Is this coincidental or a result of something else? At Garrisonville Dental, we think it’s not coincidental when most or all members of a family suffer from dental anxiety. Often times, if the parent or parents have dental fears, the children latch onto these…

Your Breath, Your Movement, And Your Jaw

If you’re stressed due to physical or emotional situations, it can force you to subconsciously hold your breath. Did you know that all of your movements are dependent upon your breath? It seems like a simple concept, but many times we hold our breath when we are in anxious or tense situations. There is a…

Festive Fall Feasting For Dental Health

Fall is such a fun time to celebrate. Halloween involves the costumes, neighborhood parties and tricking and treating. These are all part of the festive events of that holiday. The joy and happiness wrapped with the cooler temperatures and changing colors of the landscape make it a glorious time of year here in Virginia! All…

Will You Be Wearing White After Labor Day?

The big question that everyone poses after Labor Day usually includes whether to wear white after Labor Day, or not. Is this conundrum an issue for you? Are you held hostage to the moratorium on white after that first Monday in September? Or, are you a little more relaxed about the “rule” that no one…

Encouraging Your Little One To Perform Proper Dental Care

Garrisonville Dental proudly offers Children’s Dentistry to our patients in Stafford, Concord, Fredericksburg, Leeland, Quantico and the surrounding communities. We care for each member of your family with the age appropriate treatments available and necessary at each season of life. Our ability to treat each member of your family is a strength that we are…

Your Smile = Priceless

Can you put a price on your brilliant smile? Would you ever hang a hefty price tag on your aligned teeth and winning smile? At Garrisonville Dental, we’d venture to say that none of our patients would gladly sacrifice their smile for any amount of money. Your smile is priceless. If you don’t have a…